The Public Negotiation of Justice in Transitions to Sustainability
Laufzeit 2024-2026
In the ongoing debate over reconciling climate change mitigation, environmental protection, economic activities, and social equity, the concept of a just transition is emerging. Yet, various stakeholders attribute different, even antagonistic meanings to what justice could mean, leading to conceptual ambiguity and debates. Notwithstanding, how governments, media, civil society, and the private sector frame just transitions have implications for policies and societal pathways. Therefore, the project aims to understand how different meanings of justice shape public policies related to the transition to sustainability and impact citizen support for just transition policies, as well as in what way the sociospatial repercussions of these just transition policies influence citizens’ perception of transition policies.

The project focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a region affected by climate change and pursuing decarbonization policies. It is particularly interested in the public negotiation of justice in Chile, Colombia and Argentina, where governments have been integrating the concept of just transition in their political strategies. The project’s interdisciplinary approach integrates framing and scale concepts, offering insights into diverse interpretations of just transitions, in order to shed light on the complex concept of just transitions in sustainability and to contribute to more informed policymaking and societal discourse.
JuTSy builds on an interdisciplinary analytical framework, that combines knowledge from human geography, communication science, and political science to further our understanding of how societies negotiate just transitions and how politics both controls and responds to this public negotiation. While a geographical perspective pays attention to how perspectives on justice might differ according to spatial scales, communication research offers insight to understand how transition processes are communicated and framed. Political Science, in turn, helps us to understand what citizens perceive as just and what tenets (procedural, distributive, justice as recognition) are given priority to.
Project members
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alejandro Ecker (Heidelberg University / Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rosa Lehmann (Heidelberg University / Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Pablo Porten-Cheé (Heidelberg University / Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr. Mariana Ramírez Bustamante
Doctoral researcher: Alejandra Irigoyen, M.Sc