Digital health meets climate action

10.05.2022, 2-4 PM, CET

In this HCE Networking Event, Dr. Gianluca Miscione from the University College Dublin and the Zürich University of Applied Sciences will present his latest work on the interdiciplinary topics of digital health and climate action.
Gianluca would like to expand his collaboration network and exchange with HCE Members and beyond. He will give two impulse talks:

Impulse talk #1

Digital health

Compared to other sectors, over the last two decades, health care proved quite peculiar in how it moved into the use of digital technologies. Needless to say, the reasons for its peculiarities are quite diverse and span from a persistent strong role of the medical profession -often very cautious about novelties whose unintended consequences may be damaging- to the complex web of liabilities that shape health care practices. Nonetheless, digital health (an umbrella term comprising telemedicine, e-health, mobile health, AI for diagnosis, hospital information systems, etc.) is finding its way through health care systems across the globe. Based on my studies ( about digital health in very different contexts, I discuss the way it should not be seen just as a one-way application but as the product of the interplay between medical knowledge, institutional contexts, and the idiosyncrasies of information technologies and their designers. This approach offers recommendations to practitioners and promises long-lasting effects on health care delivery.


Impulse talk #2

Climate action


The global scale of climate change and the complexities of its causes and effects exceed by far what any clearly defined actors can achieve on their own, being their governments, citizens, corporations, professionals, etc. This implies that the traditional toolkit of management and organization studies, as much as that of political sciences, needs to be merged and extended to mobilize resources and change practices at all levels globally (people’s mobility, international supply chains, energy markets, construction technologies, just to name a few). All this makes for a relevant role that social sciences can play in understanding how to approach climate actions. I approach this endeavor by relying on the idea of organizing as distinct from the (too) well-established conceptualization of organization as stable structures that act according to codified procedures and hierarchical command and control lines. More concretely, organizing looks at actual practices first, then sees what macro-actions take place and how. This line of purpose-driven inquiry relies on new trends of research like Practice-based studies, Strategy-as-Practice, and Phronetic social sciences.

Event details

10.05.2022, 2-4 PM, CET
Konferenzraum 206




Dr. Gianluca Miscione joined the group of Management Information Systems at the School of Business of University College Dublin in June 2012. Previously, he worked as Assistant Professor in Geo-Information and Organization at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Netherlands.  He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems and Organization from the Sociology Department of the University of Trento, with research on telemedicine in the Amazon developed also at the Sociology Department of Binghamton University New York and School of International Service of American University in Washington DC. Then, he joined the Department of Informatics of the University of Oslo, where he developed his research on information infrastructures on a global scale. He conducted and contributed to research in Europe, Latin America, India, East Africa, and the Internet. The focus remained on the interplay between technologies and organizing processes with a specific interest in innovation, development, organizational change, social networks, and trust. His approach is informed by qualitative and mixed methodologies.

Contact Details

Gianluca Miscione